
Firestart Chat with Denise B. McLeod: Finding your gifts & making self-doubt work for you

Firestart Chat with Denise B. McLeod, a mother of two and a movement leader. Ojibway from Sagamok Anishnawbek First Nation survivor of the last generation of the 60’s Scoop, Denise proudly defines herself as an urban Indigenous Indigiqueer woman.

She is passionate about preserving cultures and traditions of Indigenous/Anishnaabe peoples. This especially flows through her work as a professor, consultant, and facilitator. Denise is also a very proud founding member of Toronto based Indigenous Women’s comedy collective, Manifest Destiny’s Child, founding member of Doula collective Ode’Min Giizis Full Spectrum and Founder of IndigiBabes Burlesque. Denise’s writing was recently published in “Silence to Strength—Writings and Reflections on the Sixties Scoop. Edited by Christine Miskonoodinkwe Smith.

Please join me in learning from Denise on how she clarifies her gifts, what she teaches people on, and questions she asks herself to create and lead.

Denise B. McLeod's Instagram:
IG @db.mcleod
IG @manifestdestinyschild49
IG @indigibabesburlesque

Video Editor: Ciarán Breen (IG @clubciaran)
Photographers: Greg Sparks (Denise at Comedy is Art Festival), Cherylanne James (IndigiBabes Burlesque), Mona Mousa (Madam Ode’miin Surprise)

Mentioned Programs/Festivals:

Nogojiwanong Indigenous Fringe Festival (NIFF): http://www.indigenousfringefest.ca/
Comedy is Art: https://theatrecentre.org/event/comed...
Indigenous Women in Community Leadership (IWCL) 2022: https://coady.stfx.ca/indigenous-wome...


Valery Navarrete: How to find your gifts