
My name is Shilbee Dhalla-Kim and
I am a Passion Coach. 

I work with changemakers to better align passions with purpose, and unlock success on their terms, through 1:1 coaching that improves
overall wealth and fulfillment.

You are a leader and a member of a team that is envisioning a future of work where your financial aspirations are met while doing work you love.
Your values and well-being are critical to this vision. ​

In pursuit of this objective, you want to make strategic investments by looking for a coach who align with your desire to co-create a better way. Through this coaching, you are prioritizing your growth—where achievements extend beyond numbers and
you can realize success on our own terms.

Previous & Current Partners

Video Testimonials

Coaching Service

Creating and doing work that you deeply care about can be challenging—
especially with today’s financial pressures and growing local-global issues. 
It can feel stressful, daunting and overwhelming. 

But with passion coaching, you can clarify your passions to
better realize your current purpose in order to
feel more motivated and confident with your next move.

Book an exploratory call by clicking here to learn more.

What results can you expect?

Below is the average rating on results scored out of 5 based on survey responses.

Written Testimonial

Choose your offering

Deep Dive


+ hst / session

1 x 60-min coaching session


+ hst / session

8 x 60-min coaching sessions
self-reflection prompts
presentation slides with key insights



+ hst

2 x 60-min co-design meetings
1 x 120-min facilitated visioning
an artefact for your vision

Theory of Passion

"You are probably sitting at your computer right now thinking, 'Hmm, should I do Passion Coaching with Shilbee?' and let me just quickly answer that for you:
'Yes, yes, a thousand times YES!'

I was struggling to find excitement in my work and personal life going into these sessions,
so my intention was simply to stay open to the experience.

What I got out of it was so much more than excitement—
I got clarity around my values, strengths, and passions that will guide my life going forward.

Shilbee listens so carefully and creates an incredibly welcoming, non-judgmental space to truly be yourself."

